Doug Cloud for Congress: Son makes appeal for Libertarian Republican support

[Doug Cloud] "He's more libertarian in his thoughts..." -- Jesse Young, Republican primary contender, WA CD-6

From Thomas Cloud:

My father, Doug Cloud, is running for U.S. Congress in Washington State’s 6th District. I am asking for your help in this endeavor.

There are a multitude of reasons you should consider supporting my father. He’s very knowledgeable, for one. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and a J.D. in Law from the University of Washington where he studied under, perhaps the greatest economics instructor of the 20th century, Paul Heyne.

As a private attorney he has experience fighting corruption and has won cases before the 9th circuit court of appeals. He has always done so with integrity even at the expense of greater financial reward.

Perhaps the best reason for supporting my father is his courage, which he has demonstrated again and again over the years in taking positions because they were right rather than because they were popular. He will do this as your Congressman, whether that means auditing the Federal Reserve, questioning the Constitutionality of the Iraq War from its very beginning, or holding those in position in government responsible for outrageous spending.

Some have said that this makes my father un-Republican. I must disagree. My father is and always has been a Republican in the line of Barry Goldwater, Milton Friedman, and Ronald Reagan. My father has never and will never abandon the Constitution. He has always and will always choose the rule of law over expediency. My father supports our troops and veterans and many who work on his campaign staff are veterans themselves. He recognizes though that the Constitution calls for a declaration of war and that is something we should never ignore.

I ask you then to please support my father, Doug Cloud. He will help you and fight for you in Congress but he needs your help to get there. His opponent Norm Dicks is one of the most corrupt pork barrel politicians in the country and he will not go down lightly. Please give of your money and time and spread the word about my father.

Remember the admonition of Edmund Burke: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

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