Does Sarah Palin have the Midas Touch?

The Midas touch, or the gift of profiting from whatever one undertakes, is named for a legendary king of Phrygia. Midas was granted the power to transmute whatever he touched into gold. --

From Eric Dondero:

Every Republican primary candidate she endorses turns to Gold.


Five weeks ago, she broke with the GOP leadership, and backed libertarian Republican Rand Paul in his primary against establishment-backed candidate Trey Grayson.

Result - Paul wins by 24%

Three weeks ago, Palin traveled to South Carolina to campaign with underdog Nikki Haley who had been languishing in a distant 4th place. Days after, a poll was released showing State Rep. Haley jolting to a comfortable 10 point lead of the entire pack including both the State's AG, and the Lt. Governor.

In Minnesota she enthusiastically endorsed "Hockey Dad" Tom Emmer who had consistently been polling in 2nd place. He soon after won the support of GOP delegates in convention, and he is now virtually assured to be the nominee. What's more he's comfortably ahead of all potential Democrats in recent polls for the Fall.

And now this... Palin took some serious heat from hard-line social conservatives for her endorsement of pro-business/fiscal conservative Carly Fiorina in California's red hot Senate primary.

From the Daily Caller:

two weeks ago former Congressman Tom Campbell held a 11 percentage point lead over Carly Fiorina in the GOP governor’s primary. That lead has now incredibly evaporated into a 23 point deficit...

In the Republican primary for US Senator, support for former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina is up sharply in the past 2 weeks, from 24% on 05/10/10 to 46% today 05/24/10. Fiorina’s support has more than doubled among women, seniors, Hispanics, the less educated, and in the Inland Empire. During these 2 weeks, Former Congressman Tom Campbell’s support dropped 12 points, from 35% on 05/10/10 to 23% today 05/24/10.

Overlooked, Fiorina, Paul, Emmer, and Halley all share a common bond: fiscal conservatism and staunch support for limited government policies with a de-emphasis of social issues. Indeed Paul and Emmer are explicitly libertarian Republicans. And Paul, Emmer and Halley all have strong Tea Party ties.

Palin's long held free market economics over divisive social issues libertarianism is finally triumphing much to the chagrin of her vitriolic critics on the Left, but even among her doubters - mostly establishment conservatives - on the Right.

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