"Diversity" for the US Military, even if it means Lower Standards


From Eric Dondero:

First Gays in the Military, then "sensitivity training" for Combat soldiers, now Women in Combat and lowered standards on testing and drug use to allow for more "Minority" recruits.

Meet the new Military under the Obama administration.

Straight White Males need not apply

The Washington Times reports "Diversity panel wants military to look like U.S.- Urges change to let women in male-only combat units":

The commission says it wants the military to resemble the ethnic makeup of America. It is urging the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force to “validate” the standards — such as education, test scores, criminal records and drug use — that disqualify large numbers of blacks and Hispanics.

“Racial/ethnic minorities are less likely to meet eligibility requirements than are non-Hispanic whites, and that gap is widening,” the report says


Hardened combat veterans say there is a big difference between a female MP exchanging gunfire with insurgents and the upper-body physical demands of an Army Ranger or Navy SEAL engaged in intense close-in violence.

Retired General Carl Mudy is quoted on females in combat:

“I believe there is a broad lack of understanding of exactly what direct ground combat is...

“Closing with and destroying the enemy by the most violent means available — and often at eyeball-to-eyeball range — is direct combat. Moreover, the units which are trained into the teams to engage and defeat the enemy directly exist on the basis of masculine cohesion.

“I believe that female service members bring tremendous skills and talents to many sectors of our armed forces, but I believe equally strongly that they are not best suited for the unique demands associated with direct combat units.”

Bring back the Draft for enforced Diversity?

San Diego-based radio talk show host Roger Hedgecock editorializes over at Human Events "Mindless Push for 'Diversity' in the Military Won't Win Wars":

There are too many white men in the U.S. military.

So says a report released this week by the Military Leadership Diversity Commission (MLDC), commissioned by Congress to examine ways to "increase diversity" in the military. The MLDC report finds that 77% of active-duty senior officers are white, 8% black, 5% Hispanic, and 16% women (of unspecified race).

What's the answer to this "problem"? Is the MLDC recommending that white males stop volunteering for military service? Do they want to start "selecting" who among them volunteers for service? Are they recommending that there be quotas for military service, as with the public university system? Or maybe the MLDC is going to recommend a mandatory draft for minorities and females until "diversity" is achieved?

Hedgecock goes on to point out the obvious: If there are "too many white males" in the military, perhaps it has to do with the fact that they're more patriotic, love their country more, and are more willing to volunteer to serve.

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