Democrats now attacking SC Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer for personal lifestyle


He made pro-individualist, pro-capitalist statements cause he's a "bachelor"

From Eric Dondero:

The furor over libertarian-leaning Republican Andre Bauer's statements in favor of individual responsibility rather than rampant moocherism, continues to grow. (See our previous story for full-length "Social Darwinist Republican," for comments by Bauer at Som'sPost). Now South Carolina Democrats and NetRoots Liberals nationwide are attacking the Gubernatorial candidate for his personal lifestyle.

From the Charleston City Paper:

South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Carol Fowler points out that Bauer is a bachelor who has never had another mouth to feed: "His notion of punishing children by not feeding them because their parents missed a PTA meeting flies in the face of basic South Carolina values."

From Wonkette:

Andre Bauer, the allegedly gay-as-the-dickens French lieutenant governor of “America’s Bordeaux,” South Carolina, has provided CNN with his gayest-ever photo to accompany its article about how he regrets comparing poor people to poor French farm animals...

From Queerty:

Bauer is also the guy who's rumored to be gay himself... And if that CV wasn't long enough, Bauer is now also the guy who referred to poor people who rely on public assistance as "animal[s] … [that] will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that. And so what you've got to do is you've got to curtail that type of behavior." He's also the guy who won't apologize.

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