Democrat for Governor: Did Muslim Terrorists attack US on 9/11? "I’m not saying yes or no"

Says people overseas may know more about what really happened on 9/11

Candidate for Texas Governor Debra Medina, got into hot water last Wednesday for commenting on the Glenn Beck show that she wasn't certain that Muslim Terrorists attacked the United States on 9/11.

Now another candidate for Texas Governor is echoing her sentiments, this time on the Democrat side.

Farouk Shami, a multi-millionaire businessman based in Houston responded to a similar question by a reporters from WFAA-TV Dallas/Ft. Worth:

INTERVIEWER: The question was posed [to Debra Medina] whether the United States was involved in the attacks on 9/11. Let me pose that question to you?

DEMOCRAT FAROUK SHAMI: I was told that is what she said. Well, you know, there's no smoke without fire. We heard the commission on 9/11. But ya know, somehow people are not believing that. I'm not sure. I'm not going to judge on something I'm not sure about. But the rumors are there. True or not, it's hard to believe what happened... The possibility is there. The jury's still out.

INTERVIEWER: Let me be very clear, understand what you are saying. Do you think it's possible?

DEMOCRAT FAROUK SHAMI: Well, so many people have talked about it. Professors have written books about it. So many people overseas talk about it. And whenever I go overseas people ask me these questions... Do they know something we don't know?

Would we ever find the truth about 9/11? That's a very dangerous subject to get into. It's hard to make judgement. I'm not saying yes or no.

Watch the full video at WFAA.

Photos - Farouk Shami right, Khalid Sheik Muhammed, and Muhammed Atta bottom left.

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