Democrat Congressmen in Texas may soon become an Extinct Species

From Eric Dondero:

Chet Edwards is on the ropes. Edwards has represented a central Texas district for over 20 years. Early on in his career he did well at pretending to be a moderate. But since the 1990s, he's let his liberal side shine. In 1996, when Ron Paul first ran for Congress, it was Edwards who went on the attack accusing Paul in the pages of Austin American-Statesman of being a gun nut with ties to extremist groups. Since, then his voting record reflects more of a Nancy Pelosi style, rather than a Texan middle-of-the-roader. His NTU score has consistently been in the 26 to 27% range, indicating a status as a "Big Spender."

Now the Dallas Morning-News is reporting that Edwards is on the endangered list of the Democrat Congressional Committee (DCC).

Rep. Chet Edwards could see a major infusion of TV ads in October, courtesy of the national party, which has set aside $28 million to help 40 vulnerable incumbents across the country.

Safe to say, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee wouldn't be spreading around that sort of largesse if it weren't at least a bit worried – about Edwards, Rep. Ciro Rodriguez of San Antonio and the others and, more to the point, about fending off the GOP's assault on their 40-seat majority.

For Edwards, in particular, the rescue effort does not bode well...

Edwards and Ciro Rodriguez are among the most endangered of Texas Democrats. But other Democrats, including crazed-liberal Sheila Jackson-Lee in the heart of Houston and Lloyd Doggett in Austin, are facing stiff Republican opposition. In fact, Doggett's GOP opponent Dr. Donna Campbell was recently added to the NRCC's "On the Radar" list, indicating that the National Republican group considers him to be exceptionally vulnerable, as well.

Doggett and Edwards are among the very last standing stalwarts of the Texas Democrat Congressmen. If they go down, the Democrat Party will be relegated to virtual "third party" status in the Lone Star State.

Photos of Dr. Donna Campbell running against Lloyd Doggett in the Austin area, and Quico Canseco challenging Ciro Rodriguez in San Antonio.

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