Cuomo emerging as a Republican-friendly Democrat

Gov. skips Obama's GOP bashing fundraiser in Manhattan

From Eric Dondero:

The Post is reporting this morning that Governor Andrew Cuomo skipped a third Obama fundraiser in New York. And apparently his repeated absences at national Democrat events, is beginning to raise eyebrows.

From columnist Michael Goodwin, the NY Post "Cuomo is New York's undercover governor" May 1:

Even better if Cuomo skipped the event because he didn't want to pollute his bid to fix Albany by being at a partisan fest where Obama was sure to bash Republicans.

A big reason is that his centrist course opens potential pitfalls with his party's liberal base. As a candidate, most of his ads never mentioned he is a Democrat. Most of his belt-tightening proposals since taking office were more readily adopted by the GOP-controlled state Senate than by Dems running the Assembly...

Earlier this year, a diehard Republican activist stunned the conservative community in New York with praise for Cuomo.

From, Tea Partyer, and Carl Paladino Campaign Manager, "[Michael] Caputo Crusades for Cuomo"

"Like you, I oppose the Democrat Party’s progressive agenda,” Caputo writes. “Like you, I fought like Hell to stop Andrew Cuomo’s campaign for Governor of New York State. I don’t much like him; I’m still angry about his dirty campaign against Carl.”

“But, at the risk of a localized lightning strike, I must admit the Governor’s early fiscal moves are conservative, responsible and absolutely necessary.”

“…I am a die-hard Republican who fought in the trenches for Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp and Carl Paladino. I’m as conservative as you can get, and last year I spent most of my time criticizing Andrew Cuomo.”

“It is starting to look like I may end up eating a few of my words. But I would happily sit for that meal if the Governor delivers real fiscal reform. In fact, I am writing to tell you I will work to push Cuomo’s fiscal agenda.”

Note - Republicans hold a very slight majority in the State Senate by one single vote.

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