Conservative Rocker challenges liberal media stereotypes of rightwingers

We can be "kick-ass, fun lovin'" Roller Derby fans; not "grey-suited, pocket protector," Bible thumping Geeks

From, "Conservatives, let's change perceptions Now!" by Deanna Murray:

Conservatives are doctors, lawyers, TV directors, actors, journalists, singers, seamstresses, Wall Street tycoons and a ton of other things. Some are church goers, some aren’t. Some believe in God, some don’t. But for some reason, all that is forgotten when we actually tell people where we stand. We just become ‘that conservative over there …’ or …‘that right-wing fanatic.’ All of our coolness disappears and we’re nothing but a label, defined by other people … people we don’t agree with.

But it really does need to be our mission to change perception. Every single person knows perception is reality … and the perception the media puts out there... is tainted, disrespectful and flat out wrong. We need to defiantly say we’re not going to take it any more and we are going to show this country who we are.

Does being a conservative mean we’re not a group of kick-ass fun-loving people? Damn, I don’t think I got that memo … at least I hadn’t when I was out at the roller derby last weekend hollering it up with a bunch of my girlfriends...

If we want to take back our country we have got to show the brainwashed who we really are. That we have a vision and a reason for believing what we do – and we still know how to live. This may seem superficial, but we’ve been painted into a grey-suited box, complete with pocket protector and fire and brimstone Bible …

Deanna Murray at MySpace

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