Connecticut Senate race – With Blumenthal down, Libertarian Republicans should go with the GOP Winner

From Eric Dondero:

Here's the latest from Rasmussen following the embarrassing scandal regarding AG Blumenthal's war record, or lack there-of. From Rasmussen:

Democratic Senate hopeful Richard Blumenthal has lost ground in match-ups against all his potential Republican challengers in Connecticut.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Connecticut finds Blumenthal with just a three-point advantage over Linda McMahon, 48% to 45%. Two weeks ago, he led the former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment by 13 percentage points.

When matched against former GOP Congressman Rob Simmons, Blumenthal leads by 11 - 50% to 39%. Two weeks ago, the longtime state attorney general held a 23-point lead over Simmons.

Blumenthal now leads Peter Schiff, a high-profile Wall Street investment banker, 53% to 37%. In the previous survey, he posted a 54% to 29% lead over Schiff

So, McMahon is clearly well-positioned to win this race in a deeply blue state. Simmons and Schiff much less so.

Most of us libertarian Republicans have been staunchly backing Peter Schiff. But McMahon is running on generally libertarian/Tea Party themes. She's sufficient enough in our direction to earn our support. If this was Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma or Idaho, we might have the luxary of going all out libertarian. This is New England. Let's go with the GOP candidate most likely to win, who fortunately leans in our direction to begin with.

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