Connecticut Libertarian Republicans formed


Libertarians and Republicans need to work together to Stop! the Statists now controlling our Government

A Facebook page has just been launched to assist with cooperation between Libertarians in Connecticut and the Republican Party. Tom Barton describes himself as a "dues paying member" of the Libertarian Party for "over 30 years." He has also worked on many campaigns, and run for office as a Libertarian twice. He also calls himself on his personal Facebook page a Tea Party Patriot and a fan of Glenn Beck.

Barton posted the following message to the Facebook page of the CT Republican Party:

We would like to extend a cordial invitation to the Connecticut Republicans to take a look at our new page called Connecticut Libertarian Republicans. The purpose of this page is to form an alliance between libertarians and other liberty-oriented minor parties with the Republican Party in order to win elections. Here's the link.

At the Page visitors are greeted by a photo of Sarah Palin and other GOP leaders. There's also news on her appearance at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, and on New Gingrich's description of Obama as the "most radical President ever" in US History.

Barton also has an even-handed challenge to both Libertarians and Republicans:

To libertarians and other minor party members: I challenge you to convince Republican politicians to adopt libertarian and constitutional solutions to solve the socioeconomic problems that big government created - and to support those Republicans who do...

To Republicans: I challenge you to earn the votes of libertarians and other liberty-based minor parties by listening to them and adopting constitutional liberty-based solutions.

To Both libertarians and Republicans: I challenge you to convince statists that irresponsible government spending, and intrusion on individual rights is destroying America. We need to return to the original American way of limited government, free market solutions and personal responsibility to save our country.

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