Confirmed! Magazzu buster a "libertarian Republican"

Weiner on a smaller scale

by Eric Dondero

The news first broke Sunday night; yet another Democrat sex scandal ala Weiner-gate, and even juicier than Wu the teenage girl "Woo-er."

This guy - a big shot and quite powerful Cumberland County Commissioner - took photos of himself naked and sent them off to an on-line female acquaintance. Well, the predictable happened. The acquaintance just happened to have a Republican blogger friend. You can pretty much guess what happened after that.

A funny story no doubt. And all the more merrier cause it happened to a Democrat. But not necessarily of great interest to, until now.

From the Trenton "Behind Magazzu's downfall, a bitter, longtime adversary":

For nearly three years, [Carl] Johnson waged a relentless and bitter cyberwar against Cumberland County political powerbroker Louis N. Magazzu. Johnson is a semi-reformed wild child, a graphic artist and a political activist -- in a libertarian/Republican kind of way. None of that has led to fame or fortune.

Magazzu is a veteran political operator, a serial victor in tough elections and a savvy Democratic Party insider with connections reaching to Trenton and Washington.
In this fight though, the victory went to the spoiler.

On Tuesday, The Daily Journal reported Johnson was posting on his website -- -- nude photographs of Magazzu and a related cache of cooing emails between him and a woman that is not his wife. The postings disclosed an online relationship of at least a few years.

See the yucky photo of a naked Magazzu at Carl's website (which has been getting bombarded with hits the last few days), where you can also donate to his legal defense fund. No surprise Magazzu and his lawyers are coming after him.

Photo h/t for Weiner our friends at BigGovernment

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