COLORADO: El Paso County Republican Party elects 22-year old Party Secretary

"Let's not just say we want youth in the party. Let's put experienced youth in leadership."

From Eric Dondero:

The Republican Party of El Paso County, Colorado (Colorado Springs), elected Sarah Marie Anderson as Party Secretary last February. And she's a libertarian Republican.

From the Colorado Springs Independent, cover story, "Anarchy in the GOP" June 23:

She spent her formative years reading a series of books that explain the free-market theory to teens. She will gleefully argue the superiority of the market-based Austrian School economic model of F.A. Hayek and Ludwig von Mises over the Keynesian mixed-economy version. On her Facebook page, she describes her political views as "a beautiful blend of Anarcho-Capitalism and Minarchism."

Another thing: Anderson is a born campaigner. Home-schooled, with college on hold, she says she's worked on more than 60 campaigns over the past seven years. She started at age 9, after pleading with her mother, by volunteering at county headquarters while Bill Owens was running for governor. Six years later, she went door-to-door for Douglas Bruce, then a party hero who wanted a seat on the county commission. From 2004 to 2007, she worked at the state Capitol for legislators including Sen. Kent Lambert of Colorado Springs.

She beat the "wife of a party stalwart" for the position. Further:

Feisty, ambitious, intelligent and pretty, Anderson's exactly the kind of person that the aging GOP is eager to draw into the fold. Except that, as she happily offers, "My beliefs aren't popular with the majority of the powerholders of the Republican Party."

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