COLORADO: Battle lines drawn in legislative Seat Belt law fight, Democrat Nanny-Staters vs. Republicans, Libertarians

CO Libertarian: Christine Smith: "Not the government's role to protect individuals from themselves"

The Colorado State Senate is considering a Democrat-backed bill to increase the penalty for non-seat belt law usage from a $10 fine to $75.

From the Denver Post, "Buckle up, or else" Feb. 9:

Drivers who don’t buckle up could face traffic stops and higher fines under a bill that gets its first hearing this afternoon.

Traffic cops can ticket drivers for not wearing seat belts now, but only if they’re stopped for other offenses.

Fines would also jump $10 to $75 for violations under Senate Bill 110, sponsored by Sen. Suzanne Williams, D-Aurora.

Republican legislators are lining up against the bill. Continuing:

And Sen. Nancy Spence, R-Centennial, (photo) said the mantra from her rural constituents is “Don’t call us, we’ll call you.”

“They’re probably the ones who choose not to wear seat belts, and they don’t want me as their state senator telling them to do that,” Spence said. “I don’t try to impose rules and regulations on them that they don’t want. I respect their opinion.”

Naturally, the Libertarian Party of Colorado is siding with the Republicans. From Christine Smith, Libertarian Party of Colorado blog:

I am getting sick of this. If the issue is that “everyone pays” because tax money is going to subsidize hospitals/emergency rooms, then that is the problem and not people making choices for themselves that are dangerous. Driving unbuckled may be dangerous, but it is only dangerous for the person not wearing their seat belt. It is not the governments role to protect a person from themselves.

More info on citizens against seat belt laws at National Motorists Assoc.

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