Christian convert from Islam running for Governor of WA State as a Republican

But he brought his Anti-Sexual Liberty values with him

by Eric Dondero

This one is rather unique. Rob McKenna is by all accounts the run-away favorite to be the next Governor of Washington State. He's a moderate-to-conservative Republican. Even the Democrats are conceding that he's the favorite. The State is plagued by "Christine Gregoire" fatigue. The fiery Democrat has been Governor since 2002.

But McKenna has just pulled a primary opponent. He's two-time loser for State House Shahram Hadian. But don't let the name fool you. Hadian coverted to Christianity.

From his campaign bio (photo - right):

Hadian, founder of the TIL (Truth In Love) Project, believes that political correctness has handcuffed our ability to address the critical issues that our country is confronting. A Christian pastor and former Muslim, Hadian has been traveling around the nation speaking on the threat of Shari’ah Law in America.

Born in Iran, Shahram and his family left in 1978 with a sense of urgency. Only a few weeks later, the government of the Shah of Iran was overthrown and an oppressive Islamic regime took over. Leaving with nothing but their suitcases, his family moved to America to seek freedom. After spending his childhood in Canada, Shahram moved back to the U.S., waiting over eight years to legally get his green card, and then another six years waiting to become a proud U.S. Citizen.

Shahram experienced a transformational life change over 12 years ago when he committed his life to Christ. When he became a Christian, he immediately faced persecution and disapproval from his family and culture and, according to Islam became an apostate.

Led effort to ban Bikini-clad Baristas at drive-up Cafes

His background is laudable. Hadian rants against attacks on political free speech. However, he's not at all afraid to support government intervention in other personal freedom areas.

Haidan's one claim to fame. He led a successful effort in Snohomish County, to ban bikini-clad baristas at the all-popular Washington State tradition of drive-up coffee bars. Haidan called the baristas "stripping for tips" even though there was no nudity involved, just the same as you'd see at the beach. He promoted himself in his campaign as the "barista watchdog." (photo credit), a WA State blog explained in 2009 "Killjoy Tattles On Drive-Through Bikini Coffee Shop Customers":

The shops in question are in Snohomish County, Washington, just on the north side of Seattle, and serve coffee while providing eye-candy with bikini-wearing lady baristas. The stalker concerned citizen doesn't like this, thinks its crude and disgusting and offensive and probably hates puppies and the American flag too. Accordingly, he's set about surveilling these establishments, which have been spreading due to popularity and competition, and reporting on his cute little website any instances of a company owned vehicle pulling up for a fresh cup of joe, then advocating a wholesale boycott of those companies. We're pretty certain the term "asshat" isn't derogatory enough.

And we here at Libertarian Republican humbly agree. Hey Hadian, being an American also means you support American cultural values. Not necessarily gentleman's club, and porno shops. But even many American Christians are cool with women showing a little skin at the beach, beauty pageants, and risque cafes that serve mostly truckers and other working stiffs. And besides, the Islamists whom you separate yourself from, hate it. More than enough reason to be pro-bikinis for baristas.

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