Carol Shea-Porter health care town hall – New Hampshire: Fmr. Dem Chair defender "where’s the Communism?"

Right before her eyes, but too blind to see

From Eric Dondero:

The Politico reports that both Congressman from New Hampshire, Carol Shea-Porter (photo) and Paul Hodes, held town hall meetings over the weekend to report on the recently passed Health Care legislation, with less-than-friendly results. Politico describes how Shea-Porter met with "raw emotion" and "consistent boos, heckles and catcalls." Rep. Hodes spoke at a Seniors Center. One woman refused to shake his hand. When he described all the benefits that would soon come in 2020, she dryly responded, "we'll all be dead by then."

Rep. Shea-Porter had a few defenders in the room during her event. From Politico:

Kathy Sullivan, a former state Democratic Party chair, said a groundswell of cynicism is to be expected when most of the attention and media coverage thus far has focused on a convoluted process and the colorful opposition.

“All we knew was that this behemoth was coming and that it was going to cost a fortune, and there were a lot of people upset about it. It wasn’t until the bill passed that you started seeing stories about what the bill actually did,” she said. “Cover kids on their parents plans until 26? Excellent! Takes away the companies power to deny pre-existing conditions? Great. Where is the communist stuff, and where is the stuff about the death panels now? It doesn’t exist.”

Cradle to 20s something adult mandated coverage. Telling private industries how to run their business and who they should take on as customers. Where is the Communist stuff indeed?

(H/t Memeo)

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