Can entrenched Democrat Rep. Solomon Ortiz be beat? One Latina Republican plans to do just that

The hometown paper for Texas CD-27 opines:

Ortiz, D-Corpus Christi, has had opponents during his nearly 30 years in office but has never faced a serious threat to his incumbency.

But now, with a changed climate favorable to Republicans, and in particular GOPers with a Tea Party message, Ortiz may be facing his stiffest challenge yet.

Jessica Puente Bradshaw is running for the Republican nomination to challenge longtime entrenched Democrat incumbent Rep. Solomon Ortiz. She is one of three candidates vying for the nomination, but considered to be the frontrunner.

From the Corpus Christi Caller Feb. 15:

“He votes with the liberal Democrats,” Bradshaw said. “He is not lowering taxes, which is what businesses need to build a thriving economy. And with health care, he was not meeting with his constituents. He is beatable by the right candidate because there are enough voters upset at him who, given the right candidate, will cross over party-wise.”

She grew up in Brownsville, on the Mexican border. She's a Christian, mother of two, and married for 15 years. Her professional background includes educator and small business entrepreneur.

I am an advocate of personal responsibility, regardless of what color of skin you are blessed with. With your help, my goal is to inspire and empower others to be productive members of their communities and eliminate the idea that we “need” government handouts.

During my teaching career in a California low income school district, I did my best to encourage each student to take advantage of every opportunity available without the need for affirmative action and special preferences.

She's a supporter of Tea Party values:

I am determined and prepared to stand strong in righteousness when it comes to what our Founding Fathers intended for this country.

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