Campaigning for Libertarians, Ron Paul stumps for Cuccinelli in VA

Richmond, Virginia (CNN) - Hours before the polls open in Virginia, Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli enlisted Libertarian hero and former Texas Congressman Ron Paul to speak at a campaign rally in Richmond in a final effort to unite the base.

Supporters who turned out for the late evening event at the Richmond Convention Center embraced a message that focused on Libertarian themes.

"I've done very little travelling and campaigning this time around, but this one I came to because I know your candidate is a defender of liberty," Ron Paul said to a cheering crowd.

The Libertarians are precisely the voters the Republican candidate needs to sway for a win Tuesday. That's because third party candidate, Liibertarian Robert Sarvis, is polling at eight percent, according a Quinnipiac poll released Monday.

Cuccinelli, the Virginia attorney general, trails former Democratic National Chairman Terry McAuliffe by six points, according to the same Quinnipiac poll.

The Cuccinelli camp hopes the Paul endorsement will bring those splintered Libertarian voters back into the GOP fold.

McAuliffe's final campaign push included star power appearances Monday from Vice President Joe Biden. President Obama , former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also stumped for him in the final weeks.

The Cuccinelli campaign has framed the election as a referendum on Obamacare and hopes to capitalize on the problem-plagued rollout.

Paul hit that message hard tonight. "This Obamacare is a monster," he said He described Obamacare taxes as "evil", claiming "they are going to create a class warfare."

As Virginia's attorney general, Cuccinelli sued the Obama administration over the Affordable Care Act. A case that was later dismissed.

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Campaigning for Libertarians, Ron Paul stumps for Cuccinelli in VA

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