California endorsements from Libertarian Republicans?

From the Editor:

We received an interesting email yesterday from a regular reader, wondering why we haven't listed any endorsements in the California Republican primary races next week. The emailer was quite serious, even suggesting that he'd take our recommendations into the voting booth with him, and vote "for the most Libertarian Republican candidates."

In the words of Republican Liberty Caucus Chairman Dave Nalle, the California RLC this year is playing it "very conservative." They've only endorsed 5 candidates, none of whom are statewide. They have stayed out of the hot Senate race, and the Governors race.

As our regular readers are aware, we follow the lead on endorsements of the RLC. Our fall-back position is Sarah Palin's endorsements. Since the RLC has not endorsed in the Senate race, and Sarah Palin has, I feel it safe to suggest to LR readers that Carly Fiorina be the best choice for the US Senate. This is my personal endorsement and does not reflect the views of our editorial board. Though, I'm confident that most if not all our editors, writers agree with me.

She may not be the most libertarian of the three. Chuck DeVore may edge her out on that score. But she is sufficiently libertarian, and certainly the most electable. Carly's solid on Defense and National Security. Campbell has some questionable views, and past ties to radical Islamists. Vote "libertarian lite." Vote Carly Fiorina!

Eric Dondero, Publisher

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