Busted yet again! We Libertarians are just Republicans who Smoke Pot

by Eric Dondero

About every month or two, this description comes up in some media - we libertarians are just pot smoking Republicans.

From Yahoo Answers , Oct. 15:

Resolved Question...
Why are libertarians such tools for the republican party?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
libertarians are basically just republicans who don't go to church and smoke pot instead

More responses:

* (ZaZa) Libertarians are tools for Republicans? LOL

They could not be more different. The only thing they have in common is less government. Other than that they are completely at opposite ends of the spectrum.

* (YoYo Mame) Anyone that loves freedom cannot be for the Democrat party. That leaves the Republican party as the lesser of two evils.

* (Gunwalker) The same reason liberals are such fools for the socialist party.

* (Cashius King) Because the Libertarian Movement has been hijacked

And our personal favorite here at LR...

* (GOP Mcturtle) cause they are really gop

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