Brubaker challenges Lummis

By AARON LeCLAIR/ Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Libertarian Richard Brubaker said he would advocate for the gradual reduction of the federal government and create jobs for the middle class if he is elected to the U.S. House of Representatives this fall.

Brubaker, 59, a truck driver from Riverton, is challenging incumbent Congresswoman Cynthia Lummis for Wyomings lone seat in the House.

The Libertarian concept is something we need to start looking at, he said. We have to stop thinking with our hearts and start thinking with our heads. The heart is not a very good thinking organ.

As the Wyoming Libertarian Partys sole candidate, Brubaker will face Lummis and Democrat Chris Henrichsen of Casper in the general election on Nov. 6.

Brubaker said one of the reasons he chose to run for the House is to work on the gradual reduction of the federal government. He admits that reducing the size of the federal government will not happen overnight.

Its a direction versus something that needs to instantaneously take place, he said. Its going to be up to the next generation, maybe the ones not even voting yet, to figure out all these solutions. I just want to get it started in a direction that we do find solutions.

One way to begin reducing the size of the federal government is to start with high-end government officials, Brubaker said.

We need to start looking at cutting on the top end far more than on the bottom and leave the middle alone, he said. The working class people are already stressed and stretched to the limit.

Another way to reduce the size of the federal government is the budget. If he is elected to the House, Brubaker said he would vote for a federal budget that is no more than 45 percent of estimated revenues.


Brubaker challenges Lummis

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