BREAKING!! Sarah Palin endorses Tim Scott for Congress – South Carolina

From Eric Dondero:

Yesterday, we ran a series of articles on Tim Scott, Republican for Congress, in SC's Tuesday run-off election. Scott is a solid Reagan Conservative. Katherine Jenerette, Scott's primary opponent and a libertarian Republican, said this offering her endorsement:

I know that Tim will cut wasteful government spending, watching every precious taxpayer dollar.

I know that Tim will fight to win the war on terror, and support our military so that America can continue to lead the free world.

Now Scott's got a second powerful Female libertarian-leaning Republican in his camp.

From Sarah Palin's Facebook, earlier today:

I’m very proud to add my support to Tim Scott’s campaign to represent South Carolina’s 1st congressional district. Tim has a remarkable success story. He grew up in poverty and was raised by a single-mom who struggled to provide. With help from a mentor and his brave mom, Tim learned to appreciate the value of hard work and American opportunity. He went on to become a business owner and has served in public office with integrity on the county and state level.

Tim is a pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-development, Commonsense Conservative who’s been endorsed by the Club for Growth because of his solid commitment to the principles of limited government and fiscal responsibility.

He will represent the Palmetto State with distinction in DC, so I encourage you to vote for Tim in his run-off election next Tuesday, June 22nd. Please visit Tim’s website at and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

- Sarah Palin

If Scott wins the run-off on Tuesday, his election will be virtually assured. He has only nominal Democrat opposition in the Fall, in an overwhelmingly Republican district. This will make him the first Black American elected to Congress as a Republican since 2002.

Note - Stephen Maloney, a contributor to Libertarian Republican, and a Co-Founder of Draft Sarah Palin for VP in 2008, served as Campaign Coordinator and Media Director for Jenerette for Congress.

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