Bloomberg tells constituent New York needs the Mosque at 9/11 site

A stunner of a story from Jewish blogger Shelomo Alfassa (h/t Pamela). Alfassa was a guest recently of the Mayor's at a backyard "kosher bbq" at his home. After the Mayor spoke, Alfassa confronted him.


At that moment, I clicked my iPhone camera shutter and simultaneously exclaimed in a serious but gentle voice, "MR. MAYOR, NO MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO!" The mayor's face immediately became somber. He quickly disregarded his elderly constituent and in a serious tone, while staring me directly in the eye, leaned forward, pointed to my face and said matter-of-factly, "If we don't let them build a mosque, we won't be able to build a temple!" Some in the crowd gasped. I quickly responded, "But we don't need a temple-that's not the issue, a mosque is a symbol of jihad victory." While still standing in the crowd and amongst his staffers, which attempted to shuffle him away, the mayor suddenly lurched forward, walked right up to me and with a perturbed voice and stern eyes, said what sounded like "we need to allow it." "But mayor, this is my field of study, and I am telling you, they are building it as a symbol of victory over us." At that time the mayor's staff shuffled him away but not before the mayor looked back at me, obviously annoyed that I raised the subject with him in public. His staffer also asked me to "just drop it" as the mayor was whisked away.

(H/t Pamela Geller)

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