Ballot Initiatitive next step for Voter I.D. in Minnesota after Dem Gov. Veto

From Eric Dondero:

Republicans have majorities in both the Minnesota House and Senate. A bill to require photo i.d. voting passed through both chambers easily. According to SurveyUSA 76% of Minnesotans support voter i.d. Yet Democrat Governor Mark Dayton just vetoed the bill.


The bill would have required Minnesotans to show a photo ID in order to cast a vote.

The governor also cited $23 million in costs that would have been incurred by local election officials. Despite the governor's veto, it's likely that photo ID's will be required eventually. Republicans who control the House and Senate say they'll pass a bill that would put the issue on the 2012 ballot.

Dayton himself won election by a razor thin margin of 1%. Many Minnesota Republicans suspected fraud, and illegal voters in urban centers such as Minneapolis and St. Paul involved in his election.

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