Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Islam incompatible with Libertarian ideals


Ayaan Ali Hirsi spoke on the campus of North Michigan University last Wednesday. The former Dutch Parliamentarian and friend/colleague of Dutch MP Geert Wilders, addressed an audience of over 400 attendees.

The title of her speech was "Refuse to be Silenced." Hirsi is a victim of Islamic violence, and threats. First, as a young girl, she was forced to undergo female circumsicion. From her speech:

"There is female genital mutilation that happens at the age of 5, 6 or 7 that is a sewing of the genitals and the cutting off of the clitoris to ensure that you are a virgin when you reach the age of marriage,” Ali said. “It’s justified in the name of Islam..."

When she fled to the Netherlands, Islamic radicals from her homeland in Somalia and even in Western Europe, threatened her life. As a Freedom-supporting Member of the Dutch Parliament she watched as an ally Pim Forturn was murdered on the street from a Muslim-sympathizing political extremist. And then two years later her partner Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh was similarly murdered.

From Booker T. Rising "Libertarian Activist gives Speech on Islam & Woman's Rights":

“It’s very important to know that Islam as a theology, the political and social dimension of Islam, and not the religious aspects, are not just dangerous but also incompatible with the American doctrine of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” Ms. Hirsi Ali, a libertarian feminist who was born in Somalia, said.

Ms. Hirsi Ali, who is an atheist, said that the peace-loving and law-abiding majority of Muslims turn a blind eye to the injustices that occur often in their culture. “When Muslims commit violent crimes in the name of the Qur’an...the peace-loving majority goes into denial, they become defensive,” she said.

Ms. Hirsi Ali, who is a former Dutch parliamentarian, said she was attracted to the U.S. because of the freedom of expression and the freedom to dissent. Under sharia law, Ms. Hirsi Ali said women have to be especially careful to not speak...

From the North Wind (NMU):

Junior Melanie Bell, chairperson for the event, said Ali has a unique viewpoint being an apostate in the eyes of her Muslim family and friends.

“Ali has faced adversity in her life that most will never come close to knowing,” Bell said.

Bell also said that because of her outspoken nature, Ali has angered some Islamic extremists.

“Her short film ‘Submission,’ about the oppression of women under the Islamic faith, drew great attention,” she said.

Even though Ali has become a target of Islamic extremists who wish to silence her, she continues speaking because the message she conveys transcends the blind hatred of radicals.

“As more people become aware of the violence, it will become more difficult for people to ignore it,” Ali said.

Note - in 2007, Libertarian Republican blog proclaimed. Ms. Ali "Libertarian of the Year."

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