Arizona Republicans pass bill in House to require Obama birth certificate before re-election

No Birth Certificate: No Ballot Status for AZ

From Conservative American News (via AP report):

Nearly half of the Arizona Legislature wants to force President Barack Obama to show his birth certificate to state officials if he runs for re-election. A state House committee on Tuesday approved the measure sponsored by 40 of the state's 90 legislators. It would require presidential candidates who want to appear on the ballot in Arizona to submit documents proving they meet the requirements to be president.

All 40 of the House co-sponsors are Republicans. The initiator of the bill is Skull Valley Republican Rep. Judy Burges who commented:

"If people have to prove their citizenship to apply for a job or get a passport, they should have to prove it to run for president."

Rep. Burgess is best known for having recently sponsored and helped to pass a bill "stipulating that the State of Arizona claim sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution."

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