Arizona Libertarian Republican for State Senate needs Help with Petition Signatures

From Eric Dondero:

Craig Smith is a Libertarian Republican running for State Senate in Arizona's 25th Senate district. The district stretches from the New Mexico border to the outskirts of Yuma County, and includes a small portion of Pima County.

Smith is a retired U.S. Army Master Sargent with a Masters Degree in Public Administration.
He was born in Nogales, AZ, he's described as "a gringo that speaks Spanish."

He's the former Director of Community Development in Bisbee. He's been married 41 years and currently serves on the Huachuca City town council.

According to David Morgan, Smith's Campaign Manager, and a member of the Libertarian Party of Arizona:

Craig is a libertarian-Republican. A true believer in smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom. He believes in the rule of law, not personal whims, but he's aware that laws are sometimes poorly crafted and unevenly applied.

When Craig Smith takes the Oath of Office swearing to uphold the Constitutions of both the United States and Arizona he means it.

Reached by Libertarian Republican, Morgan said that they have already collected 100 signatures. He also informed LR that they have a number of volunteers, but that they needed more help to get the number needed to qualify.

Smith has taken the somewhat unusual step of refusing public money for his campaign:

I choose not to participate in Arizona Clean Election Public Financing as a matter of principle. Although it is tempting to get $35,000 of "free" public money to run my campaign, it is just morally wrong.

If you'd like to help defray costs of the petition drive or make a contribution please visit:

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