Arizona legalizes Concealed Carry thanks to Republican Governor

Libertarian-leaning Gov. Janice Brewer signs bill into law

From Eric Dondero:

Janice Brewer entered the Governor's office nearly two years ago, unexpectedly. Democrat Governor Janet Napolitano was tapped by Obama to head Homeland Security. According to Arizona law, since there is no Lt. Governors office, the Sec. of State ascends to Governor.

We wrote here at LR on Jan. 23, 2009:

This is the truly one great thing to come out of the election of socialist authoritarian Barack Hussein Obama to President; Arizona got a libertarian-leaning Governor in return.

Desert Mouse blog wrote on the same day:

Due to Obama's appointment of Janet Napolitano to head the Department of Homeland Security, Arizona's Secretary of State Jan Brewer has become our governor. Brewer is no Goldwater, no Jeff Flake, but she is from that sparsely populated libertarian wing of the Republican Party nonetheless (and by that I don't mean she's a Virgil Goode or Ron Paul style paleocon), and we hope that she will amplify those tendencies in the Legislature...

Now Brewer has just signed an important piece of legislation into law that will warm the hearts of libertarians and hardline conservatives.

From USA Today - On Deadline:

In Arizona, it's now legal for (most) adults to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. Republican Gov. Jan Brewer just signed the legislation, putting her state in the same camp as Alaska and Vermont.

The state had issued 154,000 permits under the old law, which required background checks and instruction. Gun buyers still face federal background checks when purchasing weapons from a store.

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