Arizona border controversy becomes issue in Ohio’s Senate race

Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman is a close friend and ally of current Democrat for Senate frontrunner Lt. Governor Lee Fisher. They're so close in fact, that Fisher got Coleman's wife a cushy job in the Ohio Dept. of Development, which she later had to resign from for rampant absenteeism. Some called it cronyism. Coleman has since enthusiastically backed Fisher's candidacy saying "[he] is exactly the kind of leader Ohio needs in the U.S. Senate."

Now according to Libertarian Republican blogger Nate Nelson at

Coleman on Wednesday banned all travel to Arizona funded by the City of Columbus. Apparently like the liberals in California (AKA the “Left Coast”) and Chicago, Coleman thinks Arizonans are racist for enforcing federal law on illegal immigration. And he is prepared to do what he can to hurt the Arizona economy in an effort to punish Arizonans. According to Mayor Coleman, respecting and enforcing the rule of law “is not the American way.”

I think there’s one simple question that Ohioans should expect Lee Fisher to answer, given his relationship with Michael Coleman and given that he wants to be our next U.S. senator.

Candidate Fisher, do you hate the rule of law, too?

Fisher is being challenged by Republican Rob Portman.

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