Another Victory for libertarian-leaning Republicans: Huelskamp wins in Kansas

From Eric Dondero:

In June we featured the campaign of libertarian-leaning constitutionalist Conservative time Huelskamp. From LR, "Tim Huelskamp, a Reagan Conservative for Congress" June 29:

There's a hot primary in Kansas to replace Republican Todd Tiahart who is moving up to the Senate. Tim Huelskamp, currently in 3rd in a field of 7, is the Tea Party favorite.

From his website:

Yesterday at massive TEA Parties across Kansas, Senator Tim Huelskamp spoke about the importance of the 10th Amendment. “The 10th Amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution for one purpose – to restrict the power of the federal government. But for years,” noted Huelskamp, “Washington has increasingly ignored any limits on their power – especially with the passage of their most recent stimulus and bailout

Huelskamp was enthusiastically endorsed by Texas Governor and former Agricultural Commissioner Rick Perry.

Now this from The Pratt Tribune, Aug. 4:

Pratt, Kan. — Early results for the First Congressional District race Tuesday showed a race that could have been easily won by three different candidates. But once Senator Tim Huelskamp took the lead, he never looked the back.

The farmer from Fowler, as many have dubbed him, ran on a platform of conservative values and used a conservative voting record in the state Senate to illustrate his ability to vote against tax increases, spending and government growth.

“This was a hard-fought race, and I had some very worthy opponents,” Huelskamp said following the announcement on his win Tuesday. “My focus going forward is going to be advancing the conservative principles that I’ve campaigned on.”

Huelskamp was declared the winner shortly before midnight Tuesday

Editor's Note - this blog piece posted on location in Salina, Kansas. Photo of Tim and his family.

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