Anders Behring Breivik a Populist?

Familiarity with the Nolan Chart of Political ideologies

From Eric Dondero:

Anders Behring Breivik might prove to be less of a conservative, and more of a populist.

This from FoxNews Twin Cities:

"He recently claimed that politics today was not about socialism vs. capitalism but nationalism vs. internationalism."

Blogger Doug Sanders has contacts in Norway. They have offered a rough translation of some "collective writings" on the internet of Anders Behring Breivik.

There are some references to libertarians and conservatives which could be interpreted as him expressing positive viewpoints on both groups. At one point he even mentions the US Tea Party.

However, there's also this passage which suggests that he may have been more socially conservative yet economically left-liberal, i.e. Populist.


The main axis is the economy and culture. They were right-wing culturally but leftwing economically. Liberals like of course to tag them as right wing as well as anti-socialists refer to them as leftextreme.

The third axis authoritarian vs liberal is inappropriate to use as a marker.

Quite bizarrely, he seems to have a knowledge of American politics, and at one point makes the statement "a Republican in the U.S. is a libertarian..." and goes on to separate European ideologies from those of America. Breivik also seems to be critical of the libertarian-leaning Norwegian Progress Party, and some in the Party who have become more moderate.

He goes on to rant against multi-culturalism, a "drug" culture, the British Tories, and oddly, the Japanese and Koreans, who he compares to "Nazis."

Perhaps the most telling aspect of the document, at one point late in the text he seems to offer praise for a philosophy of "nationalist-oriented" anarchism.

Editor's note - The strongest of cautions on these very early findings. They could turn out to be complete fabrications. If so, we shall report a follow-up.

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