And the winner is… Scott Taylor for US Congress – Virginia GOP Primary

ex-Navy Seal clearly most libertarian even on Drug Issue

From Eric Dondero:

The Tidewater Libertarian Party in Virginia has decided to exert itself into the Republican primary for US Congress District 2 (eastern shore). While they are not making an explicit endorsement, they are doing the next best thing; requesting answers from all the contenders on controversial issues and publishing them on their website in detail.

The primary will be held June 8. It is a tight race for the nomination. The current Rep. is Gerald Nye, a Democrat, who is considered very vulnerable.

So far, three candidates have responded to the Libertarian Party call. All three gave very libertarian responses to just about all the questions. In fact, they're virtually indistinguishable, except for the style of their responses, and their emphasis.

Of the 10 questions, there was only one area where differences emerged; allowing states to decide on drug legalization.

Ben Loyola, who is considered to be the frontrunner in the race, stated:

I oppose efforts to legalize drugs, and feel there is a federal interest in interdiction of drug trafficking.

In fairness, on all other questions Loyola took a libertarian stance. This included a question on a national i.d. He would oppose such a plan.

The 2nd candidate Bert Misusawa answered "Yes" he would support allowing states to decide on legalization. But he added, "first we must define victimless," crime.

To Question 6, Should the federal government defer all law regarding victimless crime, including drug use to the states...?

Scott Taylor simply answered "Yes."

Taylor answered purely libertarian on all other questions, including: 2nd Amendment, eminent domain, blocking the EPA from imposing CO2 emissions, privatizing Social Security and Medicare, No on any and all bailouts, and No on national i.d.

Pro-Defense libertarians will be most pleased with his answer on the use of Military force overseas. Taylor responded:

I do not believe in nation building. However, if meddling consists of matters that have to do with national defense I support it.

Taylor is a retired Navy Seal. He is a combat Vet having served in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

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