Abhijit Pandya, Libertarian candidate of the UKIP increases Party’s vote total in Leicester

From Eric Dondero:

In the last go around, UK Independence Party received 1.5% in a very far left district in the London burbs.

This time they ran Abhijit Pandya who called for the expulsion of illegal Muslim immigrants on welfare. He gained nationwide and even worldwide publicity for his brash style and frank talk.

According to the Euro-based libertarian blog Gates of Vienna, Pandya made opposition to increasing Islamization of Great Britain a centerpiece of his campaign. Detractors inside the UKIP who felt he marginalized the Party by placing too much emphasis on the single issue of fighting Islamism labeled him a "libertarian." (UKIP Discuss Forum).

However, Pandya received 2.9%, a gain of 1.4% for the UKIP.

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