Abdo’s Muslim father a convicted Child Molester

Busted by a Police Investigator posing as a 15-year old girl named "Molly"

From Eric Dondero:

Pfc. Naser Abdo before his arrest yesterday in a terrorist plot near Ft. Hood, Texas was sought by the US Army for being AWOL from Ft. Campbell, Tennessee, and additionally for the possession of 34 images of child pornography on his personal computer.

Background from WFAA - Dallas/Ft. Worth (Soldier accused in alleged Fort Hood attack plot grew up in North Texas):

Abdo, 21, reportedly of Palestinian descent, was raised by his Muslim father and non-denominational Christian mother in Texas.

Now, the Dallas Morning News breaks this story this morning ("Fort Hood plot suspect has deep Dallas-area roots"):

Abdo’s father, Jamal Rateb Abdo, and his mother, Carlisa Morlan, divorced years ago, according to documents.

Jamal Abdo was arrested in 2004, accused of soliciting sex from a Garland detective posing online as “Molly,” a 15-year-old girl, according to records.

Between 2002 and his arrest, Jamal Abdo asked “Molly” for sex 45 times, records show. He was arrested after he showed up at an apartment complex to have sex with “Molly.”

In 2006, records show, he was sentenced to five years in state prison.

DMN goes on to report that after his release from prison, Abdo was turned over to immigration authorities and deported back to Jordan.

Editor's note - Photos for depiction purposes only. Abdo did not get busted by the NBC show "To catch a predator," with Chris Hansen. But the bust seems eerily similar.

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