LETTER – The Liberal Democrats are an alternative – Daily Echo

I thank, Gerald Ingram, for his polite response to my own letter.

Where, I still claimed that readers ought to be more supportive of the Liberal Democrats, as they believe in having a United Kingdom.

Plus we should have stayed full members of the EU.

Where, we were the second strongest economy and third largest member within the 28.

Gerald suggests the Lib/Dems should join the Labour Party as a left wing opposition.

I, for one, would never support the Labour Party.

I would never vote Conservative.

That is why I still claim the Liberal Democrats are an alternative.

Politics is changing.

Your Prime Minster has now grabbed the Green Party policies over climate change looking for new energy sources.

Something he would have written off as nonsense.

Rather as he did with the coronavirus.

Plus, of course, our membership of the European Union which the Conservatives were very much in favour of. Indeed, built on.

It was the Labour Party, who were are not in favour.

Feels like Trump's America.

Richard Grant


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LETTER - The Liberal Democrats are an alternative - Daily Echo

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