Government to dictate number of homes to be built in England with demolition of planning rules – iNews

Boris Johnson has laid the ground for a Whitehall power grab over Englands planning system with the central Government dictating how many homes every council must build and the wealthiest areas forced to grow fastest.

Ministers published a white paper laying out proposals for a new planning regime which removes the right of councils to decide planning applications on a case-by-case basis. Instead every local authority will define set rules for its area, giving developers carte blanche to build on designated patches of land as long as they meet certain minimum standards.

Businesses and free-market campaigners endorsed the policies, saying they would help fix a broken housing market. But charities and councils including Conservative officials warned the Government against watering down local control of planning and claimed the effect of loosening restrictions could be the next generation of slum housing.

Attacking the status quo on planning, the Prime Minister said: The whole thing is beginning to crumble and the time has come to do what too many have for too long lacked the courage to do tear it down and start again.

That is what this paper proposes. Radical reform unlike anything we have seen since the Second World War. Not more fiddling around the edges, not simply painting over the damp patches, but levelling the foundations and building, from the ground up, a whole new planning system for England.

Liberal Democrat MP Tim Farron responded: These reforms are just yet another power grab by ministers as part of Johnsons and Cummings agenda to hoard power in Whitehall. This Government is tying the hands of our councils so that ministers can impose top-down decisions which will not have the best interests of our communities at heart.

As part of the Governments plans to build 300,000 new homes a year, every council area will be given a local target for housebuilding. The figure will be based on the projected increase in demand meaning that wealthy areas which attract new arrivals from elsewhere will have to build the most.

Authorities which refuse to set aside enough land for new homes will face unspecified sanctions from Whitehall. All new housing developments will continue to need permission from the local council, but planning officers will only be able to block those projects which fall short of minimum standards set well in advance.

Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, Conservative MP for the Cotswolds, claimed that watering down the council veto could lead to lower-quality homes, saying: We have got to be really sure that we are not building slums of tomorrow by building today at low quality.

Tory councillor James Jamieson, chair of the Local Government Association, added: Any loss of local control over developments would be a concern. It would deprive communities of the ability to define the area they live in and know best and risk giving developers the freedom to ride roughshod over local areas. Charities also claimed that reforms to the levies imposed on developers would reduce the stock of affordable housing, which the Government denies.

Writing for i, London Mayor Sadiq Khan said: Its disappointing to see in recent weeks that, rather than talking about building well-designed, sustainable, genuinely affordable homes, ministers have instead been championing changes to the planning system, scrapping the requirement for developers to deliver social and affordable housing as part of their developments and allowing the conversion of more small, cramped flats out of old offices and shops that are unfit for families.

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Government to dictate number of homes to be built in England with demolition of planning rules - iNews

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