Solomon Islands Govt Supports WPNCL Full Membership of MSG

The Government of Solomon Islands Supports WPNCL Full Membership of MSG

24th April 2013

During the meeting with Prime Minister of Solomon Island, Rt.Hon.Gordon Darcy Lilo MP on 24th April. It becomes apparent that the government of Solomon Islands will support to put West Papua on the agenda for the next MSG meeting in Noumea in June this year and Full Membership of the WPNCL to MSG.

West Papuan delegation consisted of Dr. Otto Ondawame, Vice Chairman of the WPNCL, Mr.Rex Rumakiek-Secretary General of the WPNCL and Mr. Andy Ayamiseba, Head WPNCL Mission to Vanuatu. But Mr. Barak T Sope Maautamate, the former Prime Minister of Vanuatu and adviser to the WPNCl could not come this time for technical reasons.

In his opening remarks, Dr Ondawame express his sincere appreciation and gratitude to the Government and people of Solomon Islands for their endless support given to the aspiration of Independence of the people of West Papua. And also their support for full membership of WPNCL in the MSG.

On 25th April, the delegation met Speaker of the Parliament, Sir Allen Kemakeza. The speaker expressed his full support for the plight of the people of West Papua and committed to raising the issue in the Solomon Islands Parliament. At the meting, the delegation asked for Solomon Islands Parliament to support the call for West Papua becomes Melanesian issue.

Prime Minister Of The Solomon Islands Assured Wpncl Of Support For MSG Membeship. Rt. Hon. Prime Minister. Gordon Dalcy Lilo met a delegation from the West Papua National Coalition for Liberation on 24 April 3013. The leaders of WPNCL were in the country to seek Solomon Islands support for their application to become member of the MSG. The delegation is consisted of Dr. John Otto Ondawame, Vice Chairman, Mr. Rex Rumakiek, Secretary General and Mr. Andy Ayamiseba, Head of WPNCL Mission to Vanuatu. Two other members of the delegation, Ms. Paula Makabory, human rights activist and Mr. Barak T. Sope Maautamate, former Prime Minister and adviser to WPNCL could not join the delegation due to technical problems. The delegation was, accompanied by Mr. Ian Ronnie, President of Solomons for West Papua Group.

PM Lilo assured the visiting Papuan leaders of his support for West Papua to become a member of the MSG. He further stated that he will request the inclusion of West Papua on the agenda of next MSG summit in Noumea. PM. LIlo ALSO stressed the need for Melanesian countries to assist fellow Melanesians of West Papua to achieve their right of self-determination peacefully. He reiterated the fact that the West Papuan struggle has taken 50 yeas; it is time to resolve it he said.

On behalf of WPNCL and the people of West Papua Dr. John Otto Ondawame stated, I would like to express our gratitude and sincere appreciation to you and the people of the Solomon Islands for your continuing support to our struggle for self-determination and independence. Dr. Ondawame also stated that being a member with the support of MSG is crucial for WPNCL efforts to take the issue back to the United Nations.

PM Lilo agreed that the UN solution should be the ultimate agenda because self-determination for West Papua as stipulated in 1969 is incomplete. The International community must be made aware of this fact.

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Solomon Islands Govt Supports WPNCL Full Membership of MSG

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