What Are the Health Benefits of Qi Gong? – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Its safe to say many of us are under more stress than usual these days. And sure, youd love to do something to lower your stress and improve your health. But who has time for that?

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Actually, if you have 10 minutes a day, you have enough time to do qi gong. This ancient Chinese practice can reduce stress and help your body function at its best.

Integrative medicine specialist Yufang Lin, MD, talks about this age-old practice. It requires no special training or equipment and has some amazing potential health benefits.

Qi gong originated in China about 4,000 years ago. It is based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) principles, which state that qi, or energy, is present in everyones body.

According to TCM principles, a persons qi must flow throughout the body in order for people to feel their best, Dr. Lin explains. If qi becomes stagnant in a certain area, health problems can occur.

Qi gong uses simple poses and breathing patterns to promote a healthy flow and reduce stagnation of qi. Proper flow of qi can help the body engage its own healing processes. The literal translation of qi gong is to work with qi.

Qi gong is not a form of yoga. Yogas poses tend to require more strength, balance and stretching than qi gong. Yoga also originated in ancient India and is not rooted in TCM.

As a child in Taiwan, I would see people doing qi gong in the park on my way to school, Dr. Lin recalls. A lot of them were older people. The slow, purposeful movements of qi gong are less challenging to your balance. These movements are easy for most people to do and you can modify them. People can also do chair-based qi gong if they cant stand.

Dr. Lin says many smaller studies have shown that qi gong offers a variety of benefits. However, more large, controlled studies are needed to prove that qi gong can treat or even prevent health problems. Still, Dr. Lin says, qi gongs potential benefits make it well worth the effort. Its generally safe and easy for nearly anyone to try. Heres what the research says about qi gong:

One study found that qi gong could reduce symptoms of depression. In this study, those who practiced qi gong also experienced less anxiety and better moods as compared to those who didnt. Qi gong was also shown to have positive effects on bone and cardiovascular health and improve balance.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a common disorder that causes extreme tiredness. There is no known cause, and it doesnt go away with rest. It can be difficult or nearly impossible for someone with chronic fatigue to function in their daily life.

In a study, 64 people with chronic fatigue experienced improvements in their symptoms after four months of practicing qi gong. They had better mental functioning and less fatigue than those who didnt. If youre tired all the time, and your doctor has ruled out any medical conditions, qi gong could help.

Your immune systems job is to fend off unwanted guests like viruses, bacteria and diseases. Thats an important responsibility. And qi gong may give your immune system a little extra help.

A review of several studies found that qi gong had a noticeable impact on immune functioning. It increased levels of certain immune cells in people who practiced it regularly.

Many people who are undergoing cancer treatment need relief from side effects and the stress of treatment. Often, they turn to alternative medicine practices like acupuncture, yoga or massage. Qi gong may have a place on this list, too.

Some evidence suggests that using qi gong can help patients with cancer fight fatigue and mood disturbances. This boost may be a welcome relief.

Keep in mind that qi gong is not an overnight fix. Like any exercise, you need time to master it to get the full benefits.

While taking a class is helpful, Dr. Lin says this isnt necessary. Many people learn qi gong from online videos and instructions. Pay attention to the form and learn it properly. Then you can focus on breathing and being present, Dr. Lin says.

Qi gong can help you feel your best plus, its free, easy and doesnt require much time. Not many other wellness activities can make those claims.

Regular exercise such as 30 minutes of walking a day is also an effective way to improve your health, reduce stress and help you sleep better. If you exercise regularly or plan to start, qi gong is a great addition to your routine. Working it in could be the healthy one-two punch you need during stressful times.

What Are the Health Benefits of Qi Gong? - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

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