University launches Public Health Advisory Task Force in response to COVID-19 – Vanderbilt University News

Susan R. Wente, interim chancellor and provost (Vanderbilt University)

Interim Chancellor and Provost Susan R. Wente has established a new Public Health Advisory Task Force to serve as a resource for the university during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the university continues to use the latest public health information from the CDC, state and local health departments and Vanderbilt University Medical Center, this new task force will provide new, further support for protecting the safety, health and well-being of all individuals in the Vanderbilt community.

In this time of unprecedented circumstances for our university, the nation and the world, we are fortunate to have public health and infectious disease experts on our faculty. I will look to the new Public Health Advisory Task Force for input on our continued efforts in monitoring, anticipating, preparing and responding to the ever-evolving COVID-19 situation, Wente said. I am grateful for the expertise provided by the individuals on the task force and appreciate their dedication and support for the university during this time.

The collective expertise of the task force will help in developing recommendations on further protocols and best practices for the university in the COVID-19 environment, including advising on reversal triggers for when to reopen research labs, return to campus offices, restart in-person classes and more.

The committee, chaired by Linda Norman, dean of the School of Nursing and Valere Potter Menefee Professor of Nursing, also will seek to partner with other higher education institutions to leverage trans-university expertise.

Working with my fellow members of the task force, we plan to look closely at how the national and local COVID-19 situation is changing and to support the university in ensuring that every member of the Vanderbilt community is able to live, work and learn in a safe and healthy environment, Norman said. Vanderbilt has long been a leader in the medical sphere, and our committee members come from a broad range of backgrounds and fields. I look forward to beginning our work to support faculty, staff, students, postdoctoral scholars and extended community members throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Public Health Advisory Task Force members are:

The task forces ex officio members are:

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University launches Public Health Advisory Task Force in response to COVID-19 - Vanderbilt University News

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