Three ayurvedic concoctions get scientific validation for treating rheumatoid arthritis – Free Press Journal

She said the study was conducted in four phases in rats after inducing rheumatoid arthritis and the treatment duration was based on standard protocol. "Severity of pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis were decided by the infiltration of so many pro-inflammatory cytokines, lymphocytes, oxidants etc. By this study we were able to find that kashayams exerted therapeutic efficacy in the management of rheumatoid arthritis by regulating pro anti-inflammatory cytokines balance, increasing antioxidant level and by immune modulation," said Aswathy.

The study team that was guided by A. Helen, Professor and Mentor, has published their work in the international peer reviewed Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine and two papers are under review. The highlight of the study is that while all these three kashayams are available in the market there was no scientific validation, which the study team has been able to do.

The team instead of relying on the readily available kashayams, decided to make their own under the guidance of Ayurveda physician Sukumara Varier of Kottakal Arya Vaidyasala. The team prepared the decoction from 28 different forms of herbs and the major difference was they did not add any substance, which is added to increase the shelf life.

With regard to the outcome, Aswathy said "our attempt was to give better hope to patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis besides a vehicle to enrich traditional knowledge with well documented scientific background for the sake of mankind."

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Three ayurvedic concoctions get scientific validation for treating rheumatoid arthritis - Free Press Journal

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