Maria Rodale: Four Essentials of a Healthy Cleanse

by guest blogger Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc, integrative medicine pioneer, researcher, clinical practitioner, author, and lecturer

Spring and summer bring us wonderful warm weather, offering an ideal opportunity to engage in a gentle seasonal cleanse. Since many people are unfamiliar with this health-promoting process, I thought that now would be a good time to introduce the practice of gentle detoxification/cleansing and its numerous benefits. Warmer weather usually prompts us to eat lighter, healthier, more hydrating foods, which is perfect since nourishing foods of this nature are at the foundation of a successful cleanse program.

Why should you do a cleanse? The main purpose is to clear the body of toxins, contaminants, and heavy metals that can accumulate in joints, organs, tissues, cells, and in the bloodstream. These health-robbing pollutants can come from a number of sources, including pesticides, environmental contaminants, everyday household products, overprocessed foods and packaging agents, alcohol, OTC and prescription drugs, and more. By giving your body a break from its toxic burden and deeply nourishing yourself with the right foods, supplements, and exercise, you can reach a new level of health and vitality. A gentle cleanse can also help improve mental clarity and emotional stability; balance blood sugar, reducing cravings and crashes; and increase strength, flexibility and stamina, and more.

The Signs of Toxin Overload. Toxin overload in the body can potentially express itself through a dizzying array of symptoms. The most common are chronic digestive complaints, joint problems, skin conditions, persistent allergies, frequent colds or flu, head and body aches, lethargy, weight gain, irritability, and mental fog. (If you experience any of these symptoms on a regular basis, however, it's important to see your doctor to rule out other possible conditions.)

The Health Benefits of Gentle Detoxification. Normally, our detoxification organs and systems--liver, kidneys, digestive, lymphatic, lungs, and skin--would successfully eliminate most contaminants. In today's world however, many of us can benefit significantly and noticeably from a gentle cleanse. The health effects are numerous and can often be experienced in just a matter of days, particularly the greater energy and vitality that can result. Other important benefits include improved digestion and immunity, reduced inflammation, stabilized blood sugar, increased circulation, healthier weight, balanced hormones, clearer skin, and improved well-being on all levels. Long-term exposure to toxins has been linked to numerous types of cancer, diabetes, and other chronic, life-threatening conditions.

How to Get Started. How long your cleanse program lasts is up to you: It can be three days, three weeks, or three months, depending on your lifestyle, health goals, and so forth. Any detox program can easily be tailored to suit your individual needs, but regardless of how long or what type of program you do, there are a several key components, listed below, which are essential to a successful cleanse. They serve as the basic foundation for a cleanse program, and they can also be combined with other therapies to enhance your experience.

The Four Essentials of a Healthy Cleanse

1. A cleansing and hydrating detox diet. A cleansing diet is at the heart of any detoxification program. The goal is to focus on organic, nutrient-dense, and minimally processed foods. Here are the basics:

2. Include herbal, botanical, and nutritional supplements. These powerful natural remedies can help remove toxins and heavy metals, support the organs of elimination, help reduce inflammation, improve circulation, enhance digestion, and promote stronger immunity. Here are my recommendations, in two phases:

4. Practice mindfulness. You can maximize the benefits of a cleanse by taking extra time to meditate and reflect, practice yoga, spend time in nature, and rest. Healthy stress management is an important and uplifting way to support your well-being on every level. In fact, mind-body practices such as mindfulness meditation can encourage a much deeper process of detoxification. Mindfulness meditation helps us begin to acknowledge and release excess mental, emotional, and physical "baggage" that may be obstructing our path to optimal wellness. The role of the mind-body connection in detoxification is an important topic that deserves its own article, but it's definitely worth mentioning when discussing how to optimize your cleanse.

Excerpt from:
Maria Rodale: Four Essentials of a Healthy Cleanse

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