Maria Rodale: Clear the Clutter: Organization Boosts Health and Vitality

by guest blogger Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc, integrative medicine pioneer, researcher, clinical practitioner, author, and lecturer

As a holistic medical doctor and licensed acupuncturist, I draw heavily on the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for guidance and inspiration across numerous aspects of life. TCM provides us with a comprehensive lens through which we can view the intricate relationships between our health and our environments, among other energetic connections. This ancient approach to life offers practical everyday guidelines to promote optimal health. And in today's modern society, these guidelines may be more important than ever. A cornerstone jewel of TCM wisdom speaks greatly to the importance of deeply cleaning and organizing your environment for greater health and happiness.

According to TCM, the spring and fall seasons are the best times for releasing and letting go on all levels. In the spring, we can gently detoxify our bodies, minds, and spirits, as well as our environments, preparing for the abundance of new growth that comes with this energetic and vibrant season. This release of excess baggage--whether it's accumulated weight from a sedentary winter or piles of clutter in our living space--allows us to create spaciousness, energy, and inspiration on all levels. In turn, our innate healing potential can arise, unobstructed.

Physical and Mental Effects of DisorganizationWe are all products of our environments, and vice versa, since the environments we create reflect and affect our physical, mental, and emotional health. When life becomes messy or disorderly, our physical as well as mental/emotional health can also get muddled and we become less energetic and less efficient.

An excellent example of this is the digestive system. When digestion is functioning optimally, it is a highly efficient and meticulously organized sorting process. A strong and healthy digestive system dictates what to keep as nourishment, where to send nutrients, and what to excrete as waste. As an integrative physician, I find that when patients describe their lives as messy, disorganized, or inefficient, they often experience symptoms of bloating, congestion, inflammation, and poor digestion. If left untreated, these symptoms can progress to more serious health conditions. When people clear their clutter, discard unnecessary items, and detoxify their surroundings, the spaciousness and resulting efficiency they create can offer more energy, in addition to improved digestion, detoxification, and overall vitality.

This process involves not just the physical clearing of "stuff," but a much more subtle process of quieting down the mind and allowing for self-reflection. By doing this, we can reach a heightened level of clarity and insight, as well as deeper compassion for ourselves and others. In this space, we can have a better understanding of where our disorganization may stem from and how to overcome it in order to create a life that is peaceful, spacious, and functional.

The Stress FactorOver time, being surrounded by clutter slows us down, makes us feel mentally and physically fatigued, and causes stress and anxiety. If we have a cluttered, disorganized living space, letting go of the stresses of work, finances, relationships, and other areas of our lives can be virtually impossible. Similarly, if a workplace is in disarray, it can be difficult to complete tasks well and on time. Just sitting in a cluttered room can create stress, as the clutter provides a great deal of information for the eyes to process and visual reminders of how much work is left unfinished. This constant, low-grade stress can subtly and steadily drain our energy, leaving us overwhelmed, exhausted, and ultimately, physically ill.

We know that long-term stress contributes to many chronic illnesses. Some of the most common conditions aggravated by chronic stress include:

Getting ThereThe first step in organizing for better health is clearing clutter from your external environment. Making small, daily steps to clean and organize can provide you with the space to engage in stress-management activities, such as yoga or meditation, while also bringing about a sense of satisfaction. Studies show that mild to moderate exercise--yes, even in the form of housework--boosts mental health, reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes healthy circulation. Getting organized in our physical world will carry over into other parts of our lives as well, facilitating the ability to make changes in areas like exercise and diet, which tend to need some revising after a winter spent mostly indoors.

With the rising energy of spring, we often feel a sense of regeneration and renewal, coupled with increased motivation and enthusiasm. This renewed energy is reflected in the budding of trees and the sight of the first flower bulbs emerging to show their colors. So take advantage of this naturally arising internal energy to engage in a mild body cleanse, and give all of your living and work spaces a spring cleanse as well.

Read more:
Maria Rodale: Clear the Clutter: Organization Boosts Health and Vitality

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