Liver diseases identified as Europes silent killers

LIVER diseases have become a silent killer in Europe, and are now responsible for more than one in six deaths in the European Union.

More than 10 million people in the region suffer from viral hepatitis alone but many of them will not even be aware of it, according to medical experts.

The European association for the study of the liver want the European Union to launch a public awareness campaign especially about viral hepatitis.

Professor Jean-Michel Pawlotsky told members of the European Parliament yesterday that viral hepatitis is one of the most common and lift-threatening communicable diseases in Europe, and yet it seems to have been forgotten by governments.

"It has become a silent killer because of the large and increasing number of individuals who carry hepatitis B or C, but have not been tested and are so unaware of their condition.

"Without treatment, viral hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer and death," he said.

The condition should be recognised as an urgent health priority with awareness campaigns, primary prevention measures, earlier diagnosis and better management of the disease, said Prof Pawlotsky. Read more...

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