Integrative Medicine – University of Michigan

Gregory Shumer, M.D.,Jill R. Schniederhan, M.D.,Tarannum A. Master-Hunter, M.D.,Suzanna M. Zick, N.D., M.P.H.,Ricardo R. Bartelme, M.D.,Carissa A. Orizondo, M.D.Missing from photoCheryl E. LaMore, M.D.

University of Michigan Integrative Family Medicine, an interdisciplinary program, is committed to the thoughtful and compassionate integration of complementary therapies and conventional medicine through the activities of research, education, clinical services and community partnerships. As a healing-oriented approach to medical care, integrative medicine takes into account the whole person (body, mind, spirit and emotion),and also includes all aspects of lifestyle.

The vision, mission and values of the University of Michigan Integrative Family Medicine (IFM) program reflect our belief that patients and our community are best served when all available therapies are considered in concert with an approach that recognizes the intrinsic wholeness of each individual. It also reflects our belief that the best medicine is practiced in collaboration with a wide variety of healthcare professionals and with our patients.

To facilitate healing and wellness of mind, body, heart and spirit through clinical services, research and education.

To provide responsible leadership in the integration of complementary and conventional medicine.

To live and work in balance with the community, the environment and each other. To touch beyond our reach and see beyond our vision.

Integrative medicine is the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, healthcare professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.

Developed and Adopted by The Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine, May 2004 Edited May 2005.

Please call: (734) 647-5640or visit the Integrative Family Medicine Clinic home page


IFM Faculty

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Integrative Medicine - University of Michigan

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