Integrative Medicine | RSC Bay Area

By Dr. Carmelo Sgarlata

My journey into integrative medicine began in 2009 when my wife, Carole Cook, MD, an OB/GYN, began her fellowship in the relatively new field of integrative medicine. While I had a good understanding of the practice and its conceptual framework, the more my wife shared her experience, the more I grew to appreciate the potential influence it could have on my practice of fertility science.

Following my wifes lead, I began a two-year fellowship through the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. The program is dedicated to teaching physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants the art and science of integrative medicine. In October of 2013, I became the first reproductive endocrinologist in the United States to complete this program.

The center, founded in 1994 by internationally renowned Dr. Andrew Weil, was built on the premise that the best way to change a field is to educate the most gifted professionals and place them in settings where they can, in turn, teach others. It is my goal to implement integrative medicine into the Reproductive Science Center of the Bay Area.

In creating this web site, I hope that readers will have better understanding of what exactly integrative medicine is, how we are applying it at RSC and what, specifically, integrative medicine can do for patients in their journey towards fertility.

Please visit our integrative medicine blogs section and follow me on Twitter for current information on fertility, integrative medicine and womens health topics.

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He serves as a member of the Society for Reproductive Endocrinologists, the Society of Reproductive Surgeons and American Society for Reproductive Medicine. He is a founding member and past President of the Bay Area Reproductive Endocrinologist Society.

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Integrative Medicine | RSC Bay Area

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