Hughes Center for Funtional Medicine, Naples FL

Most of the testing can be performed at the Hughes Center For Functional Medicine. During your medical consultation, Dr. Hughes or Dr. Roberts will determine which tests are needed and then our nurses will review testing recommendations, instructions (for instance, fasting or non-fasting, etc.) and costs, if applicable.

Your financial resources and how much testing you are interested in completing are taken into account and the plan for testing is reviewed with you. Testing is frequently done to assess nutritional status including amino acids, fatty acids, oxidative stress, vitamin levels, mitochondrial function, food allergies, and heavy metals.

Many other tests are available, including genetic testing for a variety of conditions, hormone evaluations, bone health, gastrointestinal health, adrenal function and many others. Some testing can be performed at home with test kits to collect urine, saliva or stool. Our nurse will review the instructions for completing these tests at home.

While the testing gives a more complete picture of your status, effective care can be implemented without it, or testing can be done over time. You should not let this prevent you from seeing one of the doctors.

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Hughes Center for Funtional Medicine, Naples FL

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