Fresh Approach Health Coach Video | Reiki in Tucson – Video

Fresh Approach Health Coach Video | Reiki in Tucson My passion for wellness and sound foundational health began over 18 years ago, after being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Recognizing its implications, I set out on a quest to regain my health. Today, I feel as though I #39;ve been set free. I #39;ve spent more than 15 years studying the origin of diseases and the craft of teaching at various academic institutions, exploring various healing modalities, collaborating with both allopathic and CAM health professionals, and researching health books. I received a Masters of Education from the University of Arizona, certification as a Holistic Health Coach from The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Advanced Level Reiki certification from Advanced Energy Therapeutics, and have accumulated over 65 continuing education credits from the University of Arizona #39;s Integrative Medicine Department. In addition, creating healing environments is also dear to my heart, with this in mind, I studied Residential Design at the Arizona Institute for Interior Design, and Feng Shui through the American Feng Shui Institute. The culmination of these studies and experiences led me to develop my unique Fresh Approach to Promoting Self -- Healing Programs. Clients complete the programs with the confidence of knowing that they have empowered themselves by learning new information, techniques and strategies to achieve their health goals. They have made sustainable, enjoyable lifestyle changes that greatly enhance their quality of life ...From:DataSphereVideosViews:1 0ratingsTime:00:51More inPeople Blogs

Fresh Approach Health Coach Video | Reiki in Tucson - Video

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