Chiropractic of Kansas City

We also guarantee our work! If you decide to stick around for once a month care so we can keep you healthy after we resolve your chief complaint, as long as youre treated with an adjustment/massage within 4 weeks of your previous treatment we allow you to come in during the month, if you feel like you need to, for a courtesy adjustment. No charge.

The initial 12 treatments is your buy in in the practice, and allows you to receive the courtesy adjustment, as long as youre being treated with an Adj/massage once a mont so we can keep you running like a top!

Our experience is that most people sort of take the position that theyll believe it when they see it that they can live a rather pain free life being treated only once a month but you can go from here directly to our review section and see for yourself what people have to say about our care. Weve seen it happen so many times we literally cant count.

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Chiropractic of Kansas City

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