CBD Oil and How It Became One of The Fastest Growing Industries Today – Yahoo Finance

FX Empires Thomas Hughes sat down for an exclusive interview with Leafreports DR. Zora DeGrandpre, a certified physician in anti-aging medicine and CME Medical marijuanato discuss the latest developments in the world of CBD and her outlook on the industry.

CBD is a high-growth niche market with a potentially very-lucrative future for investors. Because the buzz around CBD andPublicly traded CBD Companies is heating up, we wanted to cut through the hype to find out what our readers need to know.

What other growth opportunities exist in hemp aside from the CBD market?

CBG is an up-and-coming cannabinoidit may have broader actions than CBD in some respectsit may have more effects on inflammation and appears to be a more potent anti-tumor agent.

There are well over 100 cannabinoids any single one of them could potentially be a growth opportunity.

Theres also the hemp-fiber aspectthat is likely to be huge as a way to replace plastics and to impact climate change. The hemp plant is also pretty nutritious and resistant to climate changeand there are many areas/growth zones where hemp can be successfully grown.

I just learned that my valley in central Washington was a major hemp-growing area during WW2. I am hearing more and more farmers discussing the viability of growing commercial hemp.

Most of the growth opportunities depend on legislative intelligencenot as big a worry in Washington state, but a big concern across certain parts of the US. Even here in Washington state, until CBD helped reduce his sons pain, one legislator was vehemently opposed to hempproving that logic, science and rational thinking does not move people, but personal experience may.

Legislation has to move with the scienceI have little belief in legislators understanding of science, but more belief in their willingness to dip into the lobbying purse and suddenly become believers.

Cannabis has to be taken off Schedule Ithere is no scientific rationale for its placement there, but I doubt whether that is convincing enoughbut until it is taken off Schedule I, the science will be lagging and if the science lags, the potential growth opportunities will lag as well. Alsowe dont know where the FDA will come down on OTC CBD productsthat can make or break the industry.

How does the future legalization of recreational cannabis fit into your future plans?

I dont deal much with recreational cannabis, just the medical actions of CBD/THC. I do think that the psychological addictions of recreational cannabis are not well understood but that it is likely to be similar to alcohol addictionan under-reported and misunderstood risk for those with addictive tendencies.

There is insufficient research in the pre-psychotic effects of cannabis. People tend to think Its natural, it feels good, so it couldnt possibly harm me and that is out-and-out wrongcyanide is a natural substance too. Digitalis is medically useful within a very narrow therapeutic windowoutside that window, its a cardiac toxin.

What risks do you see for the hemp/CBD market in the near term? In the long-term?

CBD is being overblown as a miracle cure for everything from ingrown toenails to cancer. That will collapse at some point. It works for certain conditions but will likely be a major disappointment for many others.

There is no wonder drug-human physiological networks are complicated way beyond what we currently understand, and it is unlikely that any single substance will be any magic bullet. People want this but it is not likely.

The science has not yet caught up with the anecdotal evidencewhen it does, the hype will calm down somewhat.

The story of vaping should be taken seriouslytoo many amateurs with no integrity got into the marketwhatever substance(s) is/are adulterating the vape oils and causing respiratory illnesses will likely be identified and legislators will likely swing the regulatory pendulum way offand the hemp industry will likely be pulled into a legislative episode of Reefer Madness.

What new verticals within the CBD industry do you see opening up in the future?

Depends on the research findingsthe apoptotic and anti-inflammatory properties are among the most potentially useful ones.

About Dr. Zora DeGrandpre:

Dr. Zora DeGrandpre practices naturopathic medicine (home visits) in rural Washington and is a professional medical and scientific writer and editor, specializing in naturopathic, functional, botanical and integrative medicine. Dr. DeGrandpre has degrees in drug design, immunology, and natural medicine and has extensive research experience in cancer and molecular immunology. Dr. DeGrandpre has found the use of CBD with elderly patients and others to be safe and clinically effective

This article was originally posted on FX Empire

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CBD Oil and How It Became One of The Fastest Growing Industries Today - Yahoo Finance

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