The Hunter Biden Files: Vicious Politics And Tragedies Of The Privileged Class – The Pavlovic Today

Enter Hunter Biden. Handsome, rich, Ivy League-educated, the nonchalant but troubled protagonist, the likes of Hank Moody of Californication. Picture all that but in a political thriller detailing an international web of business dealings, a James Dean of the political Americana, riding into the sunset with a sultry blond on his arm in a Porsche Panamera. This could all be make-believe, but it can be true, too, a harsh and painful saga of personal stories where the father is just ambitious enough to know it and still decides to run for President of the United States in the autumn of his life.

The latest of Hunter Bidens audiotapes flying around social media is overwhelming. I feel sorry for the guy, whos in way over his head with what appears to be a very messy setup. In a recording, he complains about his father, Joe, a consistent case-in-point in all so-far released materials since the NY Post broke the story that Twitter and Facebook censored. Painful, raw, and personal materials, difficult to process emotionally, are included. If the audio is authentic, it must be devastating for Hunter to have his conversations released in front of the global audience, and if those were not true, then its sad and depressing that anyones child should be a victim of the parents pursuit of power.

Joe Biden did not have to run for President. He was poorly performing in the primaries, he was three years from a half-century-long career in politics, and he could have disappeared quietly into the night; but he wanted to have the cake and eat it, too, it appears.

In the audio, Hunter could be heard saying: I get calls from my father to tell me that The New York Times is calling but my old partner Eric, who has done me harm for I dont know how long, is the one taking the calls because my father will not stop sending the calls to Eric.

In the previously released trove of emails, Hunter was also complaining about his father Joe focusing on his presidential run and having his campaign staff scold him.

When Facebook and Twitter opted to step in and censor the NY Post's story, I said that this story will only be getting bigger. That is exactly what has happened. The tragedy of ones life, that could have been avoided, if only Joe Biden put his son over his political ambition and, one may argue, the pursuit for immortality. Joe Biden had power, and he is still a very powerful man. The only thing that he could be interested in is to attain the immortality that one achieves by becoming the president, an achievement that, so far, only 45 Americans have claimed, some for better and some for worse.

Hunter Bidens life story, now immersed in a web of political interests with twists and turns, and the laptop from hell, as Trump likes to put it, has all the elements of a Hollywood blockbuster or a Netflix Original series no screenwriter could write so accurately.A leitmotif of the televised binge-worthy story: Would you sacrifice the well-being of your son for the Oval Office? Only if you were convinced that the stuff would never come out. And they almost did not when Twitter and Facebook stepped in.

Tucker Carlson is next, in a new, heightened drama by Tony Bobulenski, who is stepping out with tell-all revelations of everything he knows about his dealings with Hunter Biden, which then-VP Joe Biden allegedly knew about. Fasten your seat-belts, for Quelle Surprise, brave journalism led by Tucker Carlson. No one expected that one to audition for a Pulitzer.

Vicious political games in the Tale of Two Americas, continue. In a world where opposite opinions no longer reconcile, the truth becomes increasingly elusive and campaign strategies even more so vindictive.

The hunger games of American politics started with tell-all revelations of Trumps former employees and family members. Omarosa famously played the tapes. The Left cheered. Every action has a reaction, it's a simple rule of karma that, for some reason, politicians do not believe applies to them. The Democrats went after Trumps children and now the Republicans are going after Joe Bidens son.

Those without shadows let them cast the first stone.

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The Hunter Biden Files: Vicious Politics And Tragedies Of The Privileged Class - The Pavlovic Today

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