The fading immortality of Bapu – The Times of India Blog

Its irony that the name Gandhi which once used to be synonym for India, which resonates the culture we stand for, which portrays our desire for independence and free spiritedness, is restricted to a date. The name which was visualised as a lean man, wearing spectacle, walking quick with stick followed by masses, and a charismatic orator whose words and thoughts are in sync, has been replaced now with a man wearing kurta, folding his sleeves up, followed by paid crowd, and an inarticulate spieler. To stop image superimposition I prefer to address the father of nation as Bapu.

People may debate on giving full credit to Bapu for Indias independence, but he has to be revered for his power to galvanise masses and to make them follow his principles. Unfortunately with the passage of time irrespective of their usability, the principals are losing their gleam. Though all principles hold true for humanity but Truth, Non-Violent and Simplicity are more pertinent in todays time for individuals.

Truth:- Its strange that everyone claims of speaking truth as each portrays the situation in their own ways.

As per definition truth is when one talks complete as per his understanding and knowledge, without worrying of its consequence or its benefit or loss. But people only speak what suits them. The media which is expected to work on these lines is doing absolutely opposite and working as per pre-defined narrative, further ruining the society.

For example in the present Hathras rape and murder case, no one is addressing the deceased as a human but as Dalit or Valmiki or Girl.

If we would have adopted the principle as part of our culture we would have saved the social damage and the country.

Non-Violence :- Its a very important principle as the one who follows it generally accept others perspectives, remain calm, and the disagreement also leads to Matbedh and not Manbedh with each willing to accept non agreement as difference in thought.

Unfortunately in todays time everyone is hellbent to enure that other agrees to his/her views by any menans or it leads to verbal or physical violence. No one is ready to accept the divergent views. As a society, in the past we have always been open to accommodate varied opinions without getting angry. To keep our diversity intact the principle of Non-Violence is of utmost importance.

Simplicity :- Despite being a mass leader, Bapu has always kept a low profile, leading a simple life and channelising his energies towards his goal. He followed Simplicity not only in his lifestyle but in his thoughts as well, an example of it is his writings which is simple with no pompous words.

Unfortunately the society which once was divided by caste is now divided by wealth power or soft power. It has added to our existing worries by bringing comparisons and further divisions.

Social media like FB or Insta is further taking us away from simplicity.Corona has made us realise the value of simplicity and necessities and we hope people learn from it.

India has a bright future and Gandhis principles will drive the way towards it. Though millennials missed the chance but generation z will revive Bapus fading principles. Their free spirited, carefree and independent attitude helps them to speak truth. They have broader vision as are connected better with word due to social media, so can accept divergent views easily hence will be Non-violent. They are happy in their own self and prefer to explore the world rather horde the riches and leading life with simplicity.

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

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The fading immortality of Bapu - The Times of India Blog

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